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Accuva Cellect

Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) System

Power and Precision in One System

  • Gentle IR laser ideal for capture of single cells and small numbers of cells

  • UV laser offers superior speed and precision optimal for dense tissue structures

  • Simple, intuitive system enables rapid custody and improves downstream analysis

Capture Only the Cells You Need

Isolating just the cells you want and capturing only the cells you want and enriching for specific cell types provides a more accurate genetic profile for earlier stage analysis

Features and Benefits

Dual laser system

Enables a wide range of applications ranging from single-cell isolation to large biopsy extractions, expanding utility and helping to ensure reliability of cell capture across sample types without contamination or damage to morphology.

Intuitive software

Allows rapid isolation of specific cells in five simple steps and quality control with visual inspection, making documentation and sample custody easy. 

Service and support

Training and 48-hour response times, keeping you working

Flexible sample prep

Support for a wide range of slide types and sample preparation formats.  If you have an existing workflow, we can work with that or we have validated workflow for you.

Compact design

The footprint is ~32% smaller microscope and laser systems, saving bench space. 


Capture Only the Cells You Need

Simply Select and Capture

Watch this video of the Accuva Cellect in action to see for yourself just how each., fast and accurate it can be with a purpose-build LCM.

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For oncology, neuroscience, and other research areas 

that required cell enrichment, the Accuva Cellect sets you

up for success in your downstream analysis.

Get the Dual Laser Advantage

Precise, Contact-Free Isolation with Gentle IR Laser

Accuva Cellect is designed to be precise, contact-free and minimizes contamination, to uncover answers that might otherwise be

missed using a nontargeted sample due to the small size or homogenized nature of the sample.  The images below show the

isolation of cell population using the Accuva LCM technique


Whole tissue sample before laser capture microdissection

IR laser cuts and isolates only the cells of interest

Remaining sample is intact, with no structural damage to cells

Powerful, Rapid Capture of Dense Tissue Structures with UV Laser

Accuva Cellect Uses a powerful UV laser to quickly and efficiently select, cut and capture sections of bone, plant and other dense

tissue samples that can be challenging and time consuming to acquire


Whole tissue sample before laser capture microdissection

UV laser cuts and isolates only the cells of interest

Remaining tissue sample...

Simple 4-step Process to Capture Cells and Recover Biomolecules

From tissue staining and LCM instrumentation to kits for extraction and amplification, we have what you need for your microgenomics project

Identify Cells
Select Cells
  • Traditional H&E stain

  • LCM optimized stain

  • Immunofluorescence

  • Unstained

  • Cell culture

  • Accuva Cellect LCM System

  • CapSure LCM Caps

Purify DNA/RNA
  • Traditional DNA/RNA extraction

  • Fresh, frozen, FFPE extraction and isolation

  • High efficiency LCM optimized RNA extraction

  • Protein extraction

  • Frozen/FFPE linear amplification

  • Whole genome amplification

  • NGS library prep

  • qPCR

  • Mass spectrometry

Depending upon the sample types and the applications needed in the microgenomics workflow, we offer a variety of kits-for steps from identifying the selecting cells to isolating and purifying RNA and DNA.


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Accuva Cellect

Laser Capture Micodissection System

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Accuva Cellect

Laser Capture Micodissection System


APP NOTE 14.png

From Postmortem Homogeneous Cells to Microarray Analysis:

An Optimized Protocol

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Isolation of Living in Vitro

Cells Using the Accuva Cellect

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Microdissection to Microarrays:

A Complete Solution for Gene Expression Profiling of Precious Tissue Samples 

Optimized protocol for  laser microdissection  living in-vitro cells 

Genomic Analysis of Intestinal Responses to Gut Flora Altered by Antimicrobials in Human

Flora-Associated (HFA) Mice 

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Available Soon

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Available Soon

Available Soon


Differential Gene Epsression Analysis of Pure Cell Populations from Frozen Uterine Tissue Using Laser Capture 


LCM of Muscle Fiber Populations and Expression Analysis by RT-PCR


LCM For the Analysis of Macrophage Gene Expression from Atherosclerotic Lesions

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Accuva Cellect

Laser Capture Micodissection System

Contact Us for More Info
TEL:        425-686-3081

© 2024 Laxco, Inc.

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