Partners & Resellers
Authorized Accuva Cellect LCM Resellers

Beijing SinpTechnology Co., LTD.
128 South Sihuan Xi Road, Suite 3-712 Nuode Center
Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Contact: Le Deng
Tel: 86 010 83068505
Mobile: 86 13426133187
Email: ChinaSales@laxcoinc.com
Territory: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore

Parc Euclide
6/10 Rue Blaise Pascal
78990 Elancourt
Tel: +(331) 1 34 86 77 01
Territory: France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
Rapp OptoElectronic GmbH
Kronskamp 110
22880 Wedel
Tel: +49 4103 701890
Territory: Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia
Tel: +972-8-955-8888
Fax: +972-8-996-9688
20 Hasatat, P.O.B 180, Modi’in 7171101, Israel
Territory: Israel


Quorum Technologies
A: 4673 Wellington Rd #35, Puslinch,
Ontario, Canada,
N0B 2J0
Tel: +1 (519) 824-0854
Territory: Canada
Contact Laxco directly for sales inquiries in the United States, Mexico, South America and any countries not currently covered by our partners.